Sunday, August 26, 2007


I am going back to school tomorrow. Am I happy about! DO I have to be ...NO! Who on earth would be happy about leaving their children after getting paid to stay at home and play with them during the best part of the year. ( If you are one of those people who are going to complain that I get to stay at home and "get paid for it"...shut it! You could have just made a different choice. Don't fault me for it.)

Anywho when I say I am not "happy" to go back I typically get one of two responses. Here they are along with the rebuttals I would LOVE to give.

1. You know you have to go back so why complain. Duh! And P.S. When did it become illegal to complain about things that had to be done? Anybody here "happy" to clean toilets?

2. You have a good job, why don't you want to go back? Anybody ever go on vacation and not want to go home? Guess what? Me too! And I am happy taking my vacation here at home. You feel the need to travel away.

So, if you are going to say one of these to a teacher any time soon...please don't! Vacation is what helps us stay sane while teaching YOUR children. Remember who is spending time with them when you are happy to be sending them back.

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