Sunday, August 26, 2007

Big Things for Me

There hadn't been very big things going on for me recently, so I chose not to bore you. However, now times they are a-changing.
Here are the big things that are happening to me (in ascending order of excitement.)
3. School starts tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, not "yippee christmas morning" excited, but excited.
2. I have finished my classes for my Alternative Education Certification and ...dum da da dum... received all As. ( doesn't hurt that those will move me up the pay scale either :-))
1. I have all of the items I am entering in the fair ready to go. It is the first time I am entering things so I am a little nervous. I have to drop them off tomorrow after school.
I will post what I am entering and update it after it has been judged. Stay tuned.

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